Bricolage & artisanat , Français , Style de vie Cartes de Noël : du «DIY » au design de pro C’est la période de l’année où les cartes de Noël commencent à affluer dans le courrier. Ça me réchauffe toujours …
DIY & Crafts , Lifestyle Happy Holiday Cards from DIY to Expertly Designed It’s almost that time of year where holiday cards start popping up in the mail almost daily. Seeing smiling faces …
Français , Luxe Le guide des cadeaux de luxe Penser à un cadeau luxueux idéal à offrir à vos amis et à votre famille, ça prend du temps. Montrez …
Luxury The Luxurious Gift Guide Thinking of the perfect luxury gift to give to your friends and family takes time. Show a little love (& …
Astuces pour le quotidien , Français , Trucs Trucs pour acheter en ligne et épargner de l’argent! C’est un fait reconnu que les achats en ligne nous sauvent la vie! C’est pratique, permet de gagner du temps …
Life , Lifestyle Stay Cool with These Chill Tips As much as we adore the summer, the heat can be a little much sometimes… Since we know not everyone …
Lifestyle Why Ebates Canada Changed Its Name to Rakuten We’re so excited to finally announce that Ebates Canada is changing its name to Rakuten (RACK-uh-ten). Say that 10 times …
Lifestyle The History of Rakuten Back in 2014, Rakuten (Canada and the U.S.) partnered with Rakuten, one of the world’s largest companies. Our goal was …
Lifestyle , Shopping & Savings How Does Rakuten Work? Answering Your Most Common Questions If you haven’t heard of (formerly Rakuten), you might be thinking “This has to be too good to be …
Lifestyle , Tech & Tools Home of the Future, Today Back to the Future; I, Robot; Blade Runner… these movies made us think of a time in the not-so-distant future …