The Savvy Shopper

Spring Cleaning Saviours

Spring Cleaning Saviours

Have no fear, Spring is *almost* here! Promise.

The longer days and warmer weather mean it’s also time for that annual tradition. That’s right, it’s time for Spring cleaning.

But who among us doesn’t dread the thorough cleaning ritual? There undoubtedly seems to be an endless list of tasks… long and daunting.

Cleaning one room at a time should be your motto and your M.O. Tackle each room on its own and as a stand-alone project. This way you don’t have to worry about doing everything in one day.

Go-to Cleaning and Organization Tips


Clothes – Create keep, donate and consignment piles for your clothes by asking yourself the following questions:

-What do I wear on a regular basis?
-What haven’t I worn in months (or years)?
-What is still in good shape and can be loved by someone else?

Afterward, all you’ll need to do is follow through with the pile’s designation!

Shoes, accessories and jewellery – Take stock of everything you have and just like you did with your clothes. Think about what you haven’t used in a while and what can be used (and loved) by someone else. If something is vintage (and valuable) it can go to the consignment store.

Great charities to consider: read this article from Flare for a rundown across Canada


Make-up – Do you use everything? Are you scraping the end of your favourite eye shadow palette? Are there any containers that can go back to the store for recycling? (MAC Cosmetics and LUSH, amongst others, have great recycling programs.)

This article by HuffPost outlines just how long you should keep the various items in your make-up bag.

Skincare and haircare – Empty bottles? Products not being used? It’s time to recycle what you can and donate unopened products to make room for what you use on a regular basis.

Towels, sheets, pillows, and blankets – they need attention, too. If any of your linens have run their course, consider donating them (after you wash them) to animal shelters across the country. They’ll be extra grateful to take your less plush towels or your stained sheets. Think of all the furry friends!

And, whatever you plan on keeping we encourage you to refold. Yes, we’re talking to YOU!


Food – Do you know what’s hiding in the back of your fridge, freezer or pantry? We sure don’t! Join us in taking everything out and be very intentional about what goes back in.

Dried out cereal, stale food, anything unopened and past the expiration date, perishables on the verge… Generously dump these into the organic or compost bin. Unopened cans (within date) can be donated to your local food bank. Lastly, clean and sanitize the fridge before restocking and make sure to organize the pantry as you fill it.

Earn Cash Back on anything you need to restock with a grocery gift cards.

Plastic storage containers – is your secret shame, like ours, a disorganized drawer or cupboard full of food storage containers in a multitude of shapes and sizes? Take some time to match everything up. Anything flying solo can head to recycling or the donation bin.

Cleaning Supplies – let’s get meta for a minute. Even your cleaning supplies need some spring cleaning. Check the far-flung corners of your under-sink cupboards for spills and leaks. Do you need any refills? Maybe you’ve decided to go green? You can shop environmentally-friendly cleaning supplies at like Mrs. Meyers and Seventh Generation.

Getting Organized

Sometimes the best way to declutter is to get uber-organized. We’re talking colour-coded, labelled, and separated out with like items. The Container Store and Bed Bath and Beyond have everything you need to achieve next-level spruced up, arranged and organized.

Spring Cleaning Mindset

Before you go out and replenish anything (clothing, accessories, food, etc.) make sure you’ve gotten rid of some older items to make room for newer ones. Ideally, you’ll invest in things that will last you a (good) long while. Less expensive options might seem appealing but remember that they could end up costing you more in the long run.

Spark Joy

If you really want to geek-out, pick up a copy of Marie Kondo’s book, Spark Joy: an illustrated master class on the art of organizing and tidying up from Chapters-Indigo. Keep what sparks joy (you’ll understand after reading the book) and enhance your everyday routines.

Last but not least, take breaks when you need to, listen to a podcast, audiobook or music to keep the mood upbeat and make a list of all tasks that need doing (checking things off is it’s own satisfaction!)