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Camomile Beauty Coupons, Promo Codes and Cash Back

Camomile beauty is an online cruelty-free cosmetics and skincare retailer which carefully selects ethical, environment friendly brands at all price points in order to make it easier for customers to buy consciously. With its large selection of natural, organic, cruelty-free and vegan brands, shopping on Camomile Beauty is the easy way to make the switch to a fully green and cruelty-free lifestyle, starting right in your Make-up bag! Camomile beauty offers skincare, makeup, body care, hair care, self-tanning, personal hygiene and nail products, all from brands which have explicitly expressed their opposition to all forms of animal testing. Some of these brands include Palladio, Acure, Sukin, Derma E, Cake Beauty, Green Beaver, Jason, Honua, and many more. Most of the brands Camomile Beauty carries are also environmentally conscious and socially responsible. Camomile Beauty is based in Montreal, and proudly serves customers across all of Canada. Montreal customers can choose a free shipping option, and all other customers automatically get free shipping for any order over 70$ and free gifts for purchases over 50$. And with Rakuten, you can now get cashback on your orders as well! Take advantage of Camomille Beauty’s coupons and Camomille Beauty’s promo codes in addition to 2.5% cash back with!